Specifications | SSL Certificate Chain Database | WhoisXML API


This data feed subscription is licensed to you or your organization only, you may not resell or relicense the data without explicit written permission from Whois API LLC. Any violation will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

The datasets comes in the following forms

Depending on the subscription plan, you receive different datasets. They contain different data and have different formats. You can find a detailed description of the differences between datasets on the pricing page.

Here are the key details for the different subscription plans:


  • Data included: only end-user certificates, only validity dates and PEM-encoded raw certificate data.
  • Filename format: ssl.%DATE%.lite.[daily|monthly].data.json
  • Filename example: ssl.2022-02-14.lite.daily.data.json.zip
  • Average file sizes:
File Gzip size Rows
lite.daily.data.json.gz 1.5GiB 22.5M
lite.monthly.data.json.gz 41GiB 285.9M


  • Data included: complete certificates chain, only validity dates and PEM-encoded raw certificate data.
  • Filename format: ssl.%DATE%.basic.[daily|monthly].data.json
  • Filename example: ssl.2022-02-14.basic.daily.data.json.zip
  • Average file sizes:
File Gzip size Rows
basic.daily.data.json.gz 10GiB 22.5M
basic.monthly.data.json.gz 274GiB 285.9M


  • Data included: complete certificates chain, all supported fields parsed.
  • Filename format: ssl.%DATE%.ultimate.[daily|monthly].data.json
  • Filename example: ssl.2022-02-14.ultimate.daily.data.json.zip
  • Average file sizes:
File Gzip size Rows
ultimate.daily.data.json.gz 15GiB 22.5M
ultimate.monthly.data.json.gz 439GiB 285.9M

How to download the datafeed files



Downloading via FTPS


我们的FTP服务器支持通过TLS加密的形式显式FTP。您可将您的FTP客户端配置为“explicit FTP over TLS"的方式进行加密安全通信。

我们的FTPS服务器与普通FTP服务器可使用相同的路径和API密钥进行访问。说明详见上文如您的FTP客户端支持,且想通过FTPS连接,请选择 "要求explicit FTP over TLS"加密选项。FileZilla配置示例:
